
Giulia Scirè Cirneco

Trial Unit Coordinator Skretting Italy


Giulia Scirè Cirneco

Trial Unit Coordinator Skretting Italy

During International Day for Women and Girls in Science, we’re talking to some of the inspiring women scientists who are making their marks at Nutreco. Giulia Scirè Cirneco, who works at Skretting Italy, tells us what drove her to a career in science, and how she can even use the skills from her job at home!

Tell us a bit about yourself and your role in Nutreco
I am Giulia, I majored in Environmental Marine Biology and I work in Skretting Italy as Coordinator of the Trial Unit.
My career started in 2016 as assistant technician and, as my skills and knowledge about aquaculture grew, so did my role. At present, I deal with the management of feeding projects in collaboration with international researchers, aimed at testing feed’s performance and developing new products.

What inspired you to pursue a career in science?
What always drives me in my academic choices is curiosity. I’m incapable of settling for simple answers and I constantly try to explore the understanding of the mechanism that makes things work. I think these traits fit well with my job, which requires passion and attitude to get out of your comfort zone – always keeping in mind the end goal.

Can you share a moment in your career that made you feel especially proud?
The moment in my career that made me especially proud was when I was just a technician, and a researcher asked me to join a meeting to discuss an incoming project. I followed the trial during all the steps, from the set-up of the protocol to the planning of a sampling and the elaboration of the final data. It was the first time I was involved in the process and the first time I felt my role was growing up with me.

How do you hope your work will influence the scientific community and the animal protein production in the future?
Testing feed to improve animals’ performance leads to testing new formulations and ingredients. I hope that this information will give new inputs to develop animal protein production. There is so much we can do through nutrition to help ensure our aquaculture industry can produce more with less and make progress towards our purpose of Feeding the Future.

Can you share a fun or surprising fact about your research or field of expertise?
The fun fact about my job is that I can also use the skills I learn in my personal life: I became the person in charge of preparing and cooking fish at dinner!

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